What is the Grandfather Paradox? Know about it here || The Dude Explains

What is the Grandfather Paradox?

» What actually is a Paradox?

Well, a paradox is a kind of a situation, that seems impossible to happen but logically possible to execute in a real-world scenario.
"paradox is a logically self-contradictory statement or a statement that runs contrary to one's expectation"
Here is an example of a simple Paradox

» What happens in the Grandfather Paradox?

Okay, read it like a normal story, later you will find what is the flaw in the logic here, in this story.

There lives a person named Steve, he is really sad about his life, Suddenly he has an idea, that he can go to the past, and kill his grandfather, So that his father isn't born, and thus, he isn't born, so none of this awful life for him. He goes to his scientist friend, who gives him a Time Machine, that can travel to the past, It takes clocks as fuel surprisingly. So he goes to the past, kills his grandpa, and comes back to the 'Present'.

But Wait!

If he killed his grandfather, and thus, he isn't born at all, then how is It possible for him to go meet his scientist friend, use the clock-eating time machine, go to the past, and kill his grandpa? Because he didn't appear in the 'Timeline' at all!

This in turn means, that since he wasn't born, and wasn't able to go to the past, then no one killed his grandfather, which means he is also born in the 'Timeline'.

You can see, how this has formed a loop of Weirdness
This is the Grandfather Paradox

» Is there a solution to this Paradox?

Well, there are many people and scientists, who have tried to propose theories, to give an answer to how and what will happen if someone actually does this.
Some of them are pretty good, and actually explain the logic with science, but currently, there is no proven theory to tell what actually will happen.

What are your personal theories about this paradox?
Comment them below :)

Thanks for Reading!
